Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 For a good introduction to what is published on this blog, here is the address of my blog about the "Discourse on the Method" by Descartes:

Friday, July 22, 2022

You can read it like a book (good for mind sport or training because if you understand this is normally logical)

    A lot of this blog is from a book, I did publish as a paper book, but I do not need to publish again the scientific results (and some other things) which are in it ; so a part of it is here and this is enough currently. Then in order to read this blog like a book, you can read about the "BEGINING" on the right. Otherwise, I did put some comments and in order to read them (where I did put something), you can click on the title of the post, in order to see the comment(s) at the bottom of the post. Also, I am not writing  for the people (I am sure, because I did notice, that the ones who read my work are generally with a minimum of intelligence, but everybody can try to read it), then it is normal if you do not see a lot about me (I do not want to be pretentious, but it was almost the same thing for Descartes, when he was alive), because there are less intelligent persons than others (I do not want to be unpleasant with anybody).

    Otherwise it is possible to read the articles 3 (full), 6, 8, 10 (full) if you ask for it (you can leave a commentary or use facebook), if you have some relevant reasons to request it. Also it is the same for my new model of constitution (politics).

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Interesting things

  The validity of a work like mine having to be tested, I have made the effort to note some things that I have placed among my updates at the end of some publications. Also I must confess that I am rather proud of what I have noted in the article 8 and which is related to the 9 (without considering the big amount of data to analyze), because a new theory has to be a better tool for reflection (more logical) in order to be valid, but thus it follows also the truth, and when they meet it is really a completion (thought is a real asset for prevision). But the other updates have not to be disregarded.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Some new things

  I have done some updates again at the end of some posts.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


  It is possible to find some updates at the end of some posts. Otherwise I did arrange the blog in a shorter version of my work. So if some are interested …

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Criticism of gravity by Newton

  In order to sustain my theory about gravity (see my work in physics by making a click on October 2009, in 2009 on the right in the “blog archive”, especially the article 9):

“Conjectures and refutations”, chapter 3, part 3, by Karl R. Popper

About Newton:

… This explains that he did very deeply feel the unfinished character of his theory, also the necessity to consider gravity. “That Gravity, writes Newton (See the letter to Richard Bentley, 25th of February 1692-3 (so 1693); see also the letter of the 17th of January.), is innate, inherent and essential in matter, in such a way that a body can act on an other at a distance […] is for me a so huge absurdity that I believe that a person a minimum competent in philosophy will never can fall in this error.”

A bit further:

“Nonetheless, Newton was an essentialist. He did devote some important efforts in order to search for an ultimate explanation for gravity which could be acceptable by trying to deduce the law of the attraction from the hypothesis of a mechanical thrust, only type of causal action admitted by Descartes because the only one which can be explained by the essential propriety of all bodies, extent. But he did not succeed in it. And we can be sure that if he did succeed, he should have considered that his problem did receive its final solution and that he did find the ultimate explanation of gravity…”


But this is true that to think about different ways to explain gravity can help to have some good ideas about other things, even if what is considered is not the final solution for gravity.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

About a Cartesian Bank

About a Cartesian Bank:

Due to my other projects, I miss time for something like this, even if I have some wise projects for my money; also I hope that some contributions (see the last post) will bring some.

To loan:

The useful and fair virtue: in order to help to do some virtuous things with enough warranties for the return, without forgetting the fact that for the damages which occurred on what has been lent, there should be a compensation, and this following the price in effect. Otherwise for the interest what should be taken into account are the costs of management, the risk of use against the interest of the lender; also the motivation in order to compensate for the psychological uneasiness coming from the possibility of absence of return, if nothing is done in order to assure that this can not occur. Lastly the fact to have a capital only for loaning money is acceptable, if this is well done, so by having the office of a person of Law, by checking the morality of the borrowers and of their request; as well it can be good to encourage virtue by some growing advantages for the maintenance of a good social order.

The useless and unfair vice: in order to keep going vice, and/or without some good warranties about the return, what pushes to some grave actions in order to recover a possession, which can annihilate the life of a person and of this one’s entourage, while the guarantee to not have to come to this is preferable; unless one is vicious to the point of being perverse, what can go as far as wanting to do an additional margin with the sale of what has been taken for the compensation of the absence of recovery, but here one risks the hatred of some persons who do not have a lot of things which are attaching them to life. Lastly for the interest it is bad to ask too much of it with paying oneself above the merit of the office and the incurred risks, and to favor vice.