Friday, September 4, 2009


To read before :

God is as well infinitely powerful out of the potential of all the things which compose It, and out of the first possibilities of Its basic substance. Thus Energy gives utterance to Itself by the infinite power of Its movement and of Its equilibrium following the affinities or resistances of things or equilibriums (ones in comparison with others), this in order to go in the direction of existence and follow continual and perpetual perfection. Movement in its simplest state so in straight line, and as an attribute of Energy, is the first cause of creation; as well resistance and the asymmetric fractalization are two intermediate causes, and permit equilibrium which is an intermediate and final cause; nevertheless there is not the risk of the formation of a general and immutable equilibrium, because the asymmetric fractalization accompanies by movement perpetually applied imply a perpetual change, so some states of equilibrium which are ephemeral with an absolute consideration and renewable, which free perpetually a quantity of energy, as tiny it should be, and the most often in the shape of a movement of the smallest particles; we have to notice as well that equilibrium occurs at the meeting without scattering, of several movements and of the resistances which accompany them, without implying that these are stopped but rearranged, and this often in a circle or equivalent cycle ; what does illustrate itself well by the formation of whirls at the confluence of two streams of water well disposed and sufficiently powerful. Besides we can notice that equilibrium represents a force as a potential which can produce a movement, because if somebody breaks its cycle, it can then produce some movement differently; according to what we obtain that a force is stemmed from the association of movement and resistance. Thus movement is not supposed to stop itself, even when there is an impression of break, if we refer to atomic energy of fusion and fission, therefore it seems that break should be relative to a defined change, and that there should be a constant conservation of the quantity of motion proportionally to the energetic mass, which permits to assume a constant quantity of resistance, and then a constant quantity of force.