(Updated on December 3, 2024)
Nonetheless we can remark that the human being takes the rules which seem to it the simplest and most adequate, but this manner for choosing them does not prevent that they can be in a stance of failure and thus ask for a reconsideration of the order ; following what the selection of the leaders can end up depending on the hereditary birthright(1) which can be accompanied by the justification by a divine right, even if God is not putting their actions in harmony with the problems and that they have to do more efforts than some others in order to resolve them (when there is competence of such a leader, respect should be normal), what leads easily to some privileges which shock the population ; but in order to select the leaders, there is as well if the need arises, the possibility fairer (although with some flaws) but more complicated in a first consideration which is to assess the abilities and virtues of each one and to place this one the most adequately possible in the society despite a possible need of reassessment (considering that if this cannot be at all the levels of studies, their should be a possibility of equivalence for those who acquired a good level without paying a teacher, and can prove it) ; noticing moreover relatively to heredity that the variety and complexity of the genetic arrangements let think that the result is not easily foreseeable (especially with the disorders of alcohol and other products of the same type), without forgetting relatively to the intellectual development the different experiences of life which are out of the human power and can influence the reflection ; thus the effects of these experiences and the manner of which some persons are not in divine harmony with the problems that they have to resolve make understand that some good will could help to reveal by a general education and assessment the real order so that things do happen without too much incoherence (considering also that to give a minimum of education to the maximum of persons should help to decrease criminality), and hence the most possible in peace for the good of the union ; because an harmonious group is a resistant one, and this for a team or for a State (think about a sport team in a bad order) ; what protects the part of sovereign Good of each one. However, we must consider the possibility that the heredity of healthy leaders, therefore without the disorders of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and others, may be good enough for things to be sufficiently in order (an education seems necessary); so hereditary power would be the natural order that would have been disrupted for a long time (to the point of putting us in uncertainty) and therefore an objective to be preserved while seeking good health. In addition, primogeniture, although debatable in the atmosphere of the disorders of alcohol and other ones, is more justified in an atmosphere of good health, because the father and mother are often in better health (if we refer to the biological age) when the child is conceived, then the latter should also be in better health. On the subject of primogeniture, we can add that in the world of alcohol (and other) disorders, the possibility that the eldest son seems less intelligent than a younger sister for example can be found more easily (I am not concerned).
(1) : See “The Spirit of Laws”, book 31, chapter 33, by (De) Montesquieu.