Tuesday, December 22, 2009

About groups (last part)

(Updated on December 3, 2024)

Nonetheless we can remark that the human being takes the rules which seem to it the simplest and most adequate, but this manner for choosing them does not prevent that they can be in a stance of failure and thus ask for a reconsideration of the order ; following what the selection of the leaders can end up depending on the hereditary birthright(1) which can be accompanied by the justification by a divine right, even if God is not putting their actions in harmony with the problems and that they have to do more efforts than some others in order to resolve them (when there is competence of such a leader, respect should be normal), what leads easily to some privileges which shock the population ; but in order to select the leaders, there is as well if the need arises, the possibility fairer (although with some flaws) but more complicated in a first consideration which is to assess the abilities and virtues of each one and to place this one the most adequately possible in the society despite a possible need of reassessment (considering that if this cannot be at all the levels of studies, their should be a possibility of equivalence for those who acquired a good level without paying a teacher, and can prove it) ; noticing moreover relatively to heredity that the variety and complexity of the genetic arrangements let think that the result is not easily foreseeable (especially with the disorders of alcohol and other products of the same type), without forgetting relatively to the intellectual development the different experiences of life which are out of the human power and can influence the reflection ; thus the effects of these experiences and the manner of which some persons are not in divine harmony with the problems that they have to resolve make understand that some good will could help to reveal by a general education and assessment the real order so that things do happen without too much incoherence (considering also that to give a minimum of education to the maximum of persons should help to decrease criminality), and hence the most possible in peace for the good of the union ; because an harmonious group is a resistant one, and this for a team or for a State (think about a sport team in a bad order) ; what protects the part of sovereign Good of each one. However, we must consider the possibility that the heredity of healthy leaders, therefore without the disorders of alcohol, tobacco, cannabis and others, may be good enough for things to be sufficiently in order (an education seems necessary); so hereditary power would be the natural order that would have been disrupted for a long time (to the point of putting us in uncertainty) and therefore an objective to be preserved while seeking good health. In addition, primogeniture, although debatable in the atmosphere of the disorders of alcohol and other ones, is more justified in an atmosphere of good health, because the father and mother are often in better health (if we refer to the biological age) when the child is conceived, then the latter should also be in better health. On the subject of primogeniture, we can add that in the world of alcohol (and other) disorders, the possibility that the eldest son seems less intelligent than a younger sister for example can be found more easily (I am not concerned).

(1) : See “The Spirit of Laws”, book 31, chapter 33, by (De) Montesquieu.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The factors influencing the types of groups (first part)

Indeed the ways of living together can at the basis for the human being be relative to some different factors which affect the eases to provide for what it needs in order to live, thus the density of the human presence inside the group and around it, can affect because of competition which pushes to organize a minimum ; but in order that the human life be developing it has to be considered some factors as climate being able to be more or less in favor of illness and of the presence of foods, and as fertility and the fact to be practicable for soil and waters ; because these factors affect life expectancy, but as well births by the hope they procure and the variation of the infant mortality they provide. Afterward more the competition is high more it is important to think for living without having any problem and then to become industrious, in order to be able to exploit resources, as good as possible, and even those coming from areas where the relief and/or the climate is hard ; as well this competition reinforces groups because of the factor of protection considering some other groups which become violent by stupidity, or by necessity being confronted to the need of resources or because of disputes relatively to the behavior of some others against some arrangements ; thus the abilities of each group competing motivate the progression of the other groups. Indeed in a group or between groups there is generally some rules which settle in order that there is the least problems possible with the best conditions to survive for each one relatively to the considered priorities, knowing that more a group is powerful more it will have some possibilities of organizing in an advanced manner, considering as well its duration and its ability to keep and exploit the experiences of the past (the history of the town meetings in some townships and the creation of Pennsylvania in the USA are rich historically among some other important things).

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why a morality? (last part)

Finally without entering in some constitutional problems in case of doubt the moral advice should be able to be used as a choice, as it has been suggested before ; this with knowing that this is possible to interpret differently a same experience, what implies then that a solution methodically studied and considered in context be useful in order to conclude well ; solution which moreover should harmonize the ways of life and avoid some accidents of which it is better to not have the experience, solution which also should be able to help the ambition of some persons to go in the good direction and maintain the moral sense of each one. On the top of that the moral advice can protect a minimum innocents by stopping them to let some persons lead them in the bad direction, knowing that this protection could put them at the service of good. And at least for those who normally constituted find life unbearable, they have to understand that the experience of their woe will be able to help them afterward to appreciate existence in a better way if they manage to correct the bad habits which make them so much suffer, by having may be to weather a temporary schizophrenia ; as well they have to accept to live following their abilities, then without forcing too much and with the possibility to know as much as possible serenity ; it is true that some experiences help us to evaluate our limits, but it is not good also to underestimate them, while succeeding in lessen morally the biases which maintain us away from them in order to not become paranoid.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Second part

...And on their side the bests have to understand that it is not good to denigrate the least good ones by leaving them going to madness, what could justify the corruption coming from a too much strong rupture leading to some privileges being able to incite to rebel at least those who should want to go through this rupture ; to understand also that everybody cannot be like them, what the too much absolute popular democracy should want, because in this case in order to make well all the choices the majority of inhabitants should finally think like the minority that the “human-Gods” (those who are thinking better) are forming, but this being not possible a development toward the aristocratic republic is arising (just toward but not in) because of the advantage of the best choice (like with the formation of a house of representatives) ; as well it has to be noticed that on the top of a not sure choice, it stems from this type of initiative that to force some persons to change too much their level of morality and of knowledge in order to choose well ended by attacking them and can divert into an enlightened dictatorship ; to what could answer an absolute communism developing a too much basic culture, but giving satisfaction to the least learned ones that could think that this happiness could be good for everybody ; but this by creating too much promiscuity should attack the way of life of the most moral ones by risking at least to develop a kind of anarchy coming with hypocrisy and egoism, or risking to push the best to leave. But without falling in these excesses, in a State where the inhabitants share in an adequate way some choices by the vote in a spirit of liberty, there must be a not too much demanding minimum of lucidity required, hence of the common order, what the morality should assure for the good of everyone ; but those who prove to not be capable of assuring this minimum, should not have the possibility to participate in this choice...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why a morality? (first part)

In order to have a principle of stable and responsible life protecting us as much as possible from interior and exterior conflicts, and from corporal deterioration, this by accepting the limits of the human nature, what is supposed to help us to go at the most possible good. But it is true that the experiences of each one allow a different interpretation of a simple principle like usefulness and fairness, it has to be then that following the most common experiences of a civilization, even of humanity, we can pose some rules allowing us to live together a minimum, knowing that this will not avoid all the discords which can come from different experiences or interpretations between the persons of a same civilization or between different civilizations, but will be able all the same at least to minimize these if it is possible ; these common rules have to respect the good that each one can bring following one’s skills, thus the less intelligent ones, and/or cultivated, and/or positively experienced have to understand that the solution in order to be less vicious is not to generalize vice because this attacks too much the bests ; and that they cannot put the life of others in danger like tyrants, this because of the weakness of the human judgment and of the importance of this action, though life has not got the same value for everybody...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

About encephalon last part

Lastly we can remark that the abilities expressed in this general description of the encephalon allow some technical actions common to the vertebrate animals and their transmission from a generation to the other. Generally the learning of these techniques is done by a succession of some actions having led to a feeling of well-being and so well memorized; but the abilities to analyze its sensorial primitive analysis, to analyze its ability to analyze its primitive analysis, to deduce and induce a methodic analysis, and the one to have some inventive constructions and not imitative ones being able to be some methods of analysis requiring some technical inventions, are not considered because they are not some common animal abilities.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Definition of encephalon second part

Encephalon in its management of data has some defined functions as the memorization, which allows to store some logics, which can afterward be triggered automatically in a situation in part analogous with the one memorized; we can notice that it stems from the triggering an imagination so an internal action, which can be accompanied by a motion of the body on the external world. The imagination is then also an important function which allows to conduct some sensations stemming from the five senses after a time (relatively to the action of origin), forming thus some unconscious logical combinations, which can be the origin of the psychosomatic problems linked to some past physical troubles; in addition to this it manages the dreams out of its hazardous changes, about this topic it is good to know that only God knows the influence of the dream on the animal actions (the spirit of the existence of animals for example having a less complete understanding, see a definition to come may be), because the dream can only reveal a will-power or inclination which will not happen; or be the cause of a succession of some recent and independent ideas which will be able to be chimerical so false, or correct and which will happen; or stem from a learned succession where the ideas are then dependent; or even from the memory of a periodical thing, what is equivalent to the automatic triggering described here before. The origins of dream can then be various but a mark stays more or less in the memory and can then after during the awakening influenced the order of the ideas according to the one given by the memory. Otherwise from the activity of the encephalon accompanied by the remainder of the nervous system stem also the feelings at their first degree, which can be summarized by the combination of six primary feelings which are desire which is an inclination toward the obtaining of a thing felt as being missing or which will be missing, of which the variation can lead to be blasé or in an absence of desire by the excess of a thing, next to aversion which is the desire to not more or not possess a thing; as well there is admiration as an astonishment in front of a new thing which triggers a prolonged attention; afterward joy and sadness which express well-being and bad-being; finally confidence being able to lead to love and fear being able to lead to hatred, which stem firstly from the result of an admiration.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Definition of encephalon first part

Encephalon is an organ common to all the vertebrate animals, it is located in the skull, also it is prolonging by the nerves via the spinal cord except for the nerves of the skull; its principal and common functions are used for the management of what is happening inside and outside the body, by the intermediate of the senses which are divided into the sight, the hearing, the touch, the taste and the sense of smell; these drive the informations by the nerves as far as the specific areas of the encephalon, which next manages the actions. For the set of the nerves, it is divided into two general parts the sensory one and the motor one; the sensitiveness so the sensory action is always more or less active; about the motor intervention, it is distinguished at its turn into two parts, the vegetative one which manages only the necessary actions as the breathing, the hunger, the sexual appetite, the digestion, the cardiac functioning, the system of the blood, …; and the somatic part which manages according to the changes of the life the actions on the outside in a direct way, and indirect one out of the programming changing via the habits and memories stemming from actions which happen again in the same manner...

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Definition of the logic or form or nature[1], of an equilibrium (or we can dare equilibrial)

There the form is understood in its totality[2] so in an internal and external way. What taken generally means the set of the relations between all the parts of a body, then which is characteristic of it, and thus necessary in its totality for its existence defined as an equilibrium, so resistant, and except God limited in space, therefore of which the environment can change.
[1]: See René Descartes, Meditations, 6th meditation, § 21. \ [2]: See G. W. Leibniz, Monadology.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Politics and scientists second part

In order to conclude about politics and sciences, I want to add that Heidegger has confessed in the interview he has given to “Der Spiegel” in 1966 (See Ecrits politiques, 1933-1966, par Martin Heidegger, éditions Gallimard), that philosophy (as he practiced it) should not any more have any directly useful role in the change of the world. But he has well glimpsed that the most useful role of philosophy had a future from sciences (not literary), although writing a philosophical work needs some literary talents ; on the top of that it is better to be scientific and literary, in order to have a supporting group through the works of some dead persons (what is current in philosophy) or alive, but also the support of history. Furthermore the sense of this scientific exit (which is well compatible with the political part of my work, for which I did begin an American version) is present in Heisenberg’s book “Physics and Beyond”, relating of (not literary) sciences, of moral, of philosophy, of religion, and of politics. Finally I know the USA are a bit in advance about the relation between not literary sciences and politics, if we consider Benjamin Franklin; so I hope they would help the world to go in this direction. It is time that intellectual creators, which are competent in politics, have the possibility to have more power in this field. So we researchers of the most advanced countries have to unify in order to help real intelligence to have what it deserve! We can do it, especially in a world which needs to change! But we have to take a lesson from Mr. Penn (creator of Pennsylvania), which is to not associate with the bad people.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Politics and scientists first part

There is an interesting extract of a discussion between Carl Friedrich and Werner Heisenberg (in "Physics and Beyond" by W. Heisenberg) :

Heisenberg : “...Anyway we have understood, I did answer, that, for the person to whom the scientific and technical progress has given an important task, it is not sufficient to think only about this task. He has to observe the accomplishment of this task as a part of a great development ; obviously, he must have a positive attitude relatively to this development, since he is working on these problems. It will be easier to take some fair decisions if he considers this general context.” (See the part about the responsibility of the researcher.)
Carl Friedrich : “This would give utterance to the fact that the researcher should as well strive to realize a contact with the public life, to exert an influence on the leading organisms of the State, since it is not sufficient for him to think correctly, but that he wants as well to act and make act the others correctly… Insofar as the scientific and technical progress becomes more important for the collectivity, the influence of the bearers of this progress on the public life should increase. Of course, that is not in question to suppose that physicians or engineers should be more capable to take important political decisions than politicians themselves…” (See the same part)

Heisenberg adds further, out of the conversation : “…the important thing for me was not only to obtain the greatest as possible support of the scientific research by the authorities and the public opinion ; what was for me essential as well, was to realize a penetration of the scientific way of thinking up to the inside of the governmental spheres. I thought sure enough that it had to be recalled all the time to those which will assume in our place the responsibility of the functioning of the State that, in order to govern, it was not enough to assure an equilibrium between some opposite interests ; and that there were frequently some unavoidable necessities, based on the structure of the modern world, in front of which any irrational attitude of evasion toward some sentimental and unrealistic considerations could only lead to some catastrophes.”

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A bit more about my work

Here is the conclusion of a study I have done about the “Discourse of the method” by Descartes, which can be useful in order to understand my work:

In order to conclude, I have to specify that the Cartesian logic, being applied among others to mathematics and physics/chemistry, we can find in the education by which we are abided some murky logics which could easily make us call all what we have learned in question, as the complex numbers which have a quite unusual consideration of the square root relatively to the negative numbers ; as well to consider electron as negative energy seems quite heretical because God (about God in science see the link at the beginning of the last post) is according with existence and it is not really possible to admit that something is present after nothingness. Nonetheless by a good reflection these notions can be enlightened. But moreover though the notion of lack is a fact, the concept of the negative energy and the anti-particles seems to me anyway quite doubtful (even if not so much heretical), and the system of the Cartesian gravity which follows the logic of the flame which is going up seems to me at least as neat, knowing on the top of that, that the theory of the skies is well confirmed by observing the rings of Saturn and that the motion in whirl, dear to Descartes, looks like the one drawn by the arms of galaxies. The relative void can be supposed. But if we want to put it at the center of attraction, why for instance could it not fill by volcanoes after they have spit? Because in this case there is not apparently any anti-return valve like in the blood vessels. And even if this could be possible the value of the attraction should decrease because the vacuum should tend to be filled through time. Furthermore the theory defended by Descartes, of which he did discuss with Blaise Pascal, about mercury(1) , has been confirmed by the work of Mr. Torricelli, a pupil of Galileo Galilei, who has rejected the theory of void used by his master about the functioning of pumps, what did lead him to the concept of the atmospheric pressure ; and this is the induction of this result which supports well the rest of the author ‘s theory against the one of vacuum. Nevertheless, it is possible to notice in the Galileo Galilei’s letter to Fulgenzio Micanzio of the 19th of December 1634 that even him did possess another explanation than the one of vacuum. In order to go further, despite the irregularity of the gravimetric geoids, it is possible to add the fact that the atmosphere presents a high resistance and temperature at the periphery of some layers ; what is observed while the rockets are going out, and is not due to the density of the particles because otherwise they should go closer to the planet Earth, but here it seems that we are in the presence of particles like the ones of the second element described in “The World”, which are very light, and thus produce a pressure by following a rule close to the theorem of Archimedes, which applies here vertically from the bottom toward the top because the particles which are light are going toward the top contrary to the molecules of water which are going toward the bottom, and the force is not equal to the weight of moved fluid, but depends on its volume. Finally in order to sustain the fact that when there is an error somewhere the whole is not inevitably one (about the work of Descartes), we can notice that Aristotle as well was rejecting the absolute vacuum, what did not stop Descartes doing it (he was not following Aristotle).

(1) : See the letter to the father Mersenne of the 13th of December 1647.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Conclusion for my theories (not for the blog)

To read before :


In order to conclude it is good to notice that the theory as an intellectual construction which for a part is not depending on some experiences and/or experiments makes look at the world in a different manner and thus motivates to develop some physical inventions which make evolve our way of life, by assuring us a power suitable for bringing us the peace as much as our theories are the best ones; according to what it is obviously better to search because it is not by waiting that some new ideas come to confront our five senses that we will be protected; it is better to go methodically so intelligently, and if possible without going too far from the common way of thinking, to the research of these ideas, which at the beginning will catalyze at least our interpretation; thus we can remark that the theory according to which the Sun is the center of our planetary system had been seriously considered by the mind of Aristarchus of Samos and even more certainly by the one of Copernicus, before the telescope could bring enough sensual proofs to the rest of the world by the intermediate of Galileo Galilei, according to what the sensual proof is not indispensable to the reality, even if it confirms this reality and that it is better not to take too much risks. The error remains true for the human thought but at least the ones that we have realized become as much marks in order to show us the way of the truth. Also in order to judge a work it is better to know it totally, after it is better to know how to make allowances and not to condemn the totality while only a part is wrong [1], what discourages to do any hypothesis, nevertheless it is mainly like this that the humanity is evolving, from this possibility to progress blindly toward the divine truths. Obviously this submits us to error, but it is better to do some and to progress than not to do any and to remain farther from God, whereas we want to know It the most possible, as is confirming the worships which have been developed in the different civilizations and as well tribes; on the top of that to include this infinite consideration in our projects clings us stronger to life, and reinforces even our familial and social projects, because to have the ambition to know what is not finishing and is reinforcing us always, motivates us to progress directly or out of the intermediate of some others more qualified in order to discover things, and to whom it is better to give the opportunity to think in the best conditions possible.

[1] Update 04/08/2011: For the scientific part of my work, what is present should be enough for the time being, and until now the corrections are the effect of my own judgment, my work did then resist critics.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Article 10

Water stems from the equilibrium of the energetic potential of stars which forms the different atoms and molecules, and in a usual way we can remark its gaseous condensable release during some combustions and mainly the one stemmed from volcanoes. Also if we can observe its presence on the Earth it is due to the atmosphere, and to the gravity and the inertia which are in it and which retain water; thus it is possible to find it in three different forms which are vapor (clouds…), liquid (rains, lacks, rivers, seas…), and ice (snow, hail, ice-floe…). About the liquid streams they have in part the same causes than winds applied to the liquid element and can be influenced by them, also tidal waves stem from volcanic activities and from the displacements of plates, where there is some thermal phenomenons but as well wave ones(1); and the variations of relief have to be considered for the fluvial flows.
Otherwise we can think that the motion in tides should come from an interaction between the terrestrial sky and the one of the Moon, as a result of what for a first hypothesis we could pose (within the framework of the hypothesis of Descartes about this subject (see The World))…

The rest of this article has been modified and will not be published here, in order to protect it.

(1): Also some enough powerful hurricanes can be accompanied by a groundswell of a considerable height.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Article 9 last part

But there is something left to explain in order this should be really logical, because at a same altitude in the closest layer to the soil the gravity is increasing by going from the equator toward the North Pole, although this is not the same thing by going toward the South Pole (there are more irregularities); as well it can seem strange that the gravity decreases when the altitude increases in this same layer, while the heaviest gases, as the CO2, which are then the closest to the soil have a greater capacity to carry as the liquid water compared with air, what should propose the opposite phenomenon (if we refer to the conditions of the experiment of von Jolly). Thus a new factor should be considered which is the composition of the soil, and here we can consider a black matter having an attractive power, which is magnetite or the mineral magnet, and which as its name indicates forms a magnetic field(1) by creating a flow with the particles of the two first secondary elements and especially the smallest ones; also the flow that they should form in this case should be quite weak what is proved by compasses, and should not create appreciably any warmth because especially the small particles of the second secondary element should participate in it(2), but it should increase all the same the quantity of the particles serving to the gravity in the geographical areas where should be found some magnetite with a higher concentration, by considering that it is possible to find a little of it everywhere in the crust(3); what should explain its variations at the level of the soil.
Besides this system of gravity should be propitious to explain the phenomenon of Northern Lights, because when the concentration of the particles of the first secondary element should be high enough(2), it should be normal that some luminous phenomenons should be produced; what should happen more easily near the magnetic North Pole for the reason that these particles should be more concentrated because of the magnetic field (more magnetite which orientates the magnetic field in some other places)(1).

(1): As well the motion under the terrestrial crust of the mass in fusion could produce a current being able to participate in the magnetic field (see theory of the dynamo effect). \ (2): See : http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/article-2.html \ (3): Considering that there is always a possible production of magnetite under the crust.

Update 13/04/2011: Otherwise about the particles as those of a magnetic field in the process of gravity, it is possible to consult the case of the mouse in magnetic levitation with a study of the NASA in relation with gravity (or of the frog by A. Geim (Nobel prize laureate) et M. Berry), here the magnetic field is enough higher than the radiation of the Earth (which is not local), but as well than the gravity, what gives the effect of a local thrust on a living being done by some particles of the same type as those considered here for gravity, what is close to the optical tweezers relatively to small things (see end of the article 6 about magnet). Lastly the particles considered here for the general magnetic field of the Earth come from a quite weak magnetic field and should intervene by the dispersion of the particles participating in the magnetic field (being free for the participation in the gravity), and possibly by thrust, this rather at the poles, because the magnetic field is vertical at the poles (so thrust toward the top or the bottom in the field).

  Lastly for the credibility of black holes, it is possible to read this: http://www.nature.com/news/2010/101214/full/468876a.html 

Update 06/01/12:
  About the Cavendish experiment, it is done with some masses of lead; but considering my theory for magnet (see article 6), it is better to not omit the emissions of atoms and the organization of it, thus even if lead is not reacting like iron to the emission of the flow of a magnet, the organization of its own one, is not going against the fact that it can have an interaction which is particular, with a different correspondence between the pores (see article 7). Thus the interaction between the spheres of lead should not be the result of the attraction coming from the universal gravitation, but of a particular force field (which is not bizarre).
Update 23/03/12: No string balls and still no black holes produced by the LHC, according to the results of 2011 (which is not good for the current theory of gravity). See this publication: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1202.6396.pdf

Update 18/03/13: Searches for large extra dimensions, gravitons, microscopic black holes, long-lived particles, dark matter, and leptoquarks are presented in the report at the following address. No sign of these new physics phenomena has been observed so far.
  Also I want to make notice that my work is not concerned with what is considered in this report (currently everything is going well for it), for example about the Long-Lived Neutral Particles and it is possible to check it if you want by following the references in this document.

Report: https://cds.cern.ch/record/1500560?ln=en

   Otherwise there is also a publication about the lack of production of string balls and black holes at the LHC, following the data of 2012 and with a better sensitivity than in 2011. See this document: http://cds.cern.ch/record/1460444?ln=en

Monday, October 19, 2009

Article 9 second part

As well gravity is especially remarkable in the layer of inertia the closest to the Earth, what could be due to the fact that the rupture between this layer and the following one should be greater than between the others out of a greater variation of the angular velocity, what should form a higher resistance to the displacement of some particles (see last posts). Thus considering the different ruptures so the different resistances it is normal that there is an impression of a relative weightlessness in some layers between the Earth and the Moon; what should be accentuated by the fact that more the energetic concentration forming the primary particles is low more the degree of fractality is high (1), then less the particles resist to a displacement, in the same manner than when the viscosity is lesser in the usual fluids.

(1) : See : http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/6.html

Friday, October 16, 2009

Article 9 first part

Gravity should not be without an energetic equilibrium, as well it is considered to have a constant force following a same gravimetric geoid, and posing that all equilibrium is limited in time except with a divine and absolute consideration, this implies that it should be maintained; therefore if I am not mistaken it is not good to think that the force could exist without any movement and that it could thus produce a variable quantity of it (4). So in order to explain gravity in a rational manner, we could suppose that it should be maintained by some flows of some particles of the two first secondary elements(1) and especially of some malleable ones and of some of the smallest ones in cycle which do not produce any warmth in a considerable manner(2), which should be applied in an almost homogeneous manner at the surface of an object, while they should penetrate also its inside by almost all the pores, what should reduce the importance of the mass and of the surface if it is possible to neglect the resistance of air; to our knowledge these flows have two principal and constant sources of particles, which are the light of the Sun and the radiation of the Earth. As well light could all the same penetrate the atmosphere despite the resistance at the rupture between two layers (see atmosphere in the 3 last posts) because it arrives in sufficiently dense and fast flows, nevertheless it should be this same resistance which should do that these particles could push on us, because when they should be in a concentration less dense than in the light, despite their velocity they should meet a resistance which should make them have a spinning motion or in circle being able to be developed in a helicoidal manner, and make them form some winds by a massive reorientation, but as well push the denser objects toward the bottom(3) out of the intermediate of the smallest cyclic secondary particles; this thrust should be formed because the very fast motion of the malleable particles and their size which lets them pass almost everywhere make them more suitable for going in the superior layers (see atmosphere). Thus the particles which should form this gravity should be at the basis the primary particles or malleable ones obtained by fractalization, which are endowed with an autonomous and very fast movement (2); and particularly the ones which are at the level of the body and should be on the way, following their progress toward the top and not the bottom, to take its place, next to pass above it with transmitting the motion especially out of the smallest cyclic particles; besides the flow already oriented of the particles toward the possibility to escape by the top orients easily the ones which are entering and diluting in the layer where it acts, knowing as stated previously that this flow is supplied with some particles out of a flow coming from under the soil out of the radiation of the Earth, and which periodically is reinforced by the particles coming from the Sun which are stopped at the level of the soil and by the clouds partly and have in the same manner a facility to tend toward the top, while they maintain a constant concentration in certain limits because the atmospheric resistance is not impossible to penetrate, also this resistance acts a little as a valve which should be more or less opened according to the pressure.

(1) : See : http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/god-and-elements-which-compose-it.html
(2) : See : http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/article-2.html
(3) : Light (except laser) should not oppose any considerable resistance to the bodies which can be detected by our senses because in order to act thus on these bodies it should pass by the intermediate of the other particles of the atmosphere which oppose a higher resistance and of which it should determine the trajectory in its direction without dispersing them; thus the action for conducting motion should depend as for warmth on the particles mixed with a flow of some malleable particles, because it should be especially the smallest cyclic particles, which do not produce any warmth in a considerable manner, which should be effective in order to transmit motion because they react normally better; but these particles should be in a higher concentration in the atmosphere than in light, out of the space (between them) that the concentration of the malleable particles implies, according to what the motion of the malleable particles should be better conducted by the atmosphere thus composed than by light, and when light is mixing with it, it is possible to suppose the presence of some beams of light, what at least the presence of some atoms make unavoidable out of their resistance in some masses to the luminous flow. About laser, the action is especially thermal, what is possible according to the proportion between the malleable particles and thermal ones (mixing forced at the basis), and even if the concentration of particles producing warmth need not to be very high in order to make it perceptible, the production of a relatively weak motion is possible out of their action. Lastly for the fission of an atom, the malleable particles being so much concentrated in an atom that at the moment of the phenomenon they should be deployed in a bowl, which for being diluted should not have any other possibility than to drive at its front all the most suitable particles in order to transmit motion and the others, because they could not avoid them considering the absence of any beam at the basis and their very high density.

(4) : Update 13/04/2011: See about Newton:       http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2010/09/criticism-of-gravity-by-newton.html

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Article 7

The magnetic field as a specific force field to magnet is drawn around it in its usual shape, in parallelepiped, in a particular manner, which is in butterfly; what could be explained according to the theory previously developed (see last post) by the fact that magnet following a geometrical and homogeneous formation, as for usual crystals, should develop a set of homogeneous and geometrical motions. Thus in the case of magnet according to an axis of distribution the pores located on a side should have an attractive power stemming from the depression formed by the accompaniment of the internal movement in cyclone, which should drive the surrounding particles of the two first secondary elements (1), and on the other side should have an expulsive power stemming from the pressure formed by the cyclonic leaving motion. But out of equilibrium the leaving cyclones should be complementary of the cyclonic inlets, thus it should be normal that at the level of the considered axis of distribution, should be shaped with the greatest simplicity some bridges between the cyclonic pores of inlet and of outlet, next for the formation of some bridges between farther pores, this should be done by a logical concatenation, because on a side of the leaving or entering cyclone should be a free space stemming from the curving in bridge of the cyclone of the same type at this place, and on the other should be the resistance and even the pressure formed by an unlinked cyclone of the same type, knowing that there should not be any fusion between the cyclones on the same side of the mentioned axis because they should have the same direction of rotation and thus push back themselves; according to what the one considered should be pushed alongside the bridge formed previously, thus should be curved and should form on its turn a bridge by finding on its way a complementary cyclone, but farther the pores should be, weaker the strength of the bridge should be because of the dispersion of the cyclonic motion. Lastly logically it should come that the fact to be complementary or the resistance between two poles of some different magnets should stem from the type of cyclone met, leaving or entering; also it should be considered that the contact between two magnets implies, relatively to the whole of both, that the cyclones should have a denser movement than before the contact, out of a highest concentration of particles following the trajectory which should be offered to them out of resisting to their straight motion, particles which should go through a longer distance before to have the liberty of a straighter way, what the experiment checks.

(1) : See : http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/god-and-elements-which-compose-it.html

Friday, October 2, 2009

Article 5

Piezo electricity should come from the fact that the flows, stemmed from the decomposition of the equilibriums of a molecular assembly in crystals, should be distributed according to a network which subjected to a pressure should concentrate them in a manner which should make them electric; what the constraint sustained by the atoms could increase relatively to the emission of the nucleus.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Article 4

The non-artificial radioactivity concerns the heavy atoms, and considering a high density, which should contain more moving particles or/and some particles having a degree of fractality lesser(1), what should implies that by the deterioration of the equilibriums which are composing them, they could emit some very strong and penetrating flows of radiations.

(1) : See : http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/6.html

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

Article 3 first part

In order to define the chemical reactions following the system described in the previous posts it is possible to consider that the equilibrium between the malleable particles(1) gives the luminous flows, that the one between the particles of the two first secondary elements gives some flows as warmth, and electricity; that the equilibrium between those particles in a high density gives atoms; after that the resistances of the equilibriums (without considering how they are) between some different atoms permit their unions, where the preference of the bond is done relatively to the intensity of the resistance which produces the union, intensity which is possible to estimate (in some similar conditions); without forgetting that some weak interactions can occur in addition of the strong ones as the hydrogenated bonds between the molecules of water. About disunion it is caused according to the presence of the particles of the two first secondary elements which out of concentration can form a compensatory resistance, according to some other actions which put some space between two atoms, and according to the ages of atoms implying the dissipation of the equilibrium which is forming them; these principles being able to be induced to the actions between molecules, so between the chains of atoms. Thus it seems possible to be able to explain and symbolize the quantities of energy used during a reaction.

(1) : See : http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/god-and-elements-which-compose-it.html

The best part is coming.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Science and quantum mechanics

Heisenberg : “ May be should it be possible to divide indefinitely matter, except that at the end it should not be really a division, but a transformation of energy into matter…” (See the part : “Discussion about language”)

For the structure of atom relatively to the one I will propose (Serge l’Eternel) :
Heisenberg : “Now, if a trajectory of electron does exist in a Wilson chamber, there must be one as well in atom. But I confess to already have had some doubts about it. Because if it is true that we calculate an electronic orbit following the classic Newtonian mechanics, we confer to it afterwards, with the help of the quantum conditions, a stability that it should never have in accordance with this same Newtonian mechanics ; and when the electron jumps (in the case of the emission of radiation) from an orbit to the other, we prefer to say nothing about this jump : is it a broad jump, a high jump or what else ? So in a certain sense, all the idea that we construct about the orbit of an electron inside atom has to be absurd. But then, what? (See the part : “The notion of “understand” in physics”)
Wolfgang (Pauli) approved. “All this is really extremely mysterious. If an orbit of electron does exist in atom, electron must obviously turn on this orbit in a periodic way, with a determined frequency. In that case, the laws of electrodynamics impose that the electrical oscillations come from the charge doing this periodic motion. In other words, some light has to be radiated with the same frequency. But in reality, this is not like this at all : the frequency of oscillation of the radiated light is in fact between the frequency of orbit which precedes the famous so mysterious jump and the one which follows. All this is basically pure madness.” (See the part : “The notion of “understand” in physics”)
Wolfgang : “…; with regard to both of us, honestly, we do even not believe in the electronic orbits…” (See the same part)
Heisenberg : “…Bohr must know, him also, that he begins with some hypotheses which contain some contradictions, which can not be right therefore in the considered form…” (See the same part)
Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize laureate in physics, and creator of the actual pattern for atom : “By stability, I mean that this is always the same substances, with the same properties, which appear…This is incomprehensible following the classic mechanics, especially if we admit that atom looks like a planetary system.” (See the same part)
He adds a bit further : “These images (of atoms), answered Bohr, have been deducted or rather if you prefer, “guessed” from experimental facts ; they are not the fruit of some sort of theoretical calculations. I Hope that these images describe the structure of atoms as good (but only as good) as possible in the visual language of the classic physics…”
Heisenberg : “But how will it be possible, in these conditions, to do some progresses? When all is said and done, has not it, physics, to be an exact science?” (See the same part)
“We must expect, said Bohr, that the paradoxes of the quantum theory, the incomprehensible aspects linked to the stability of matter, are going to be lighted in an always more distinct manner with every new experimental fact. If this is thus, we can hope that with time some new concepts will be formed, and that these new concepts will allow us to seize in a certain way even the not visual processes occurring in atom. But from that we are still very far.” (See the same part)

(From the same book as the previous post)

Friday, September 25, 2009

A bit of morality with Heisenberg

In “Physics and Beyond” of Werner Heisenberg (Nobel Prize laureate in physics), a book not only scientific but as well political, moral, and about philosophy and religion :

“…Nonetheless on a restriction basis, I have all the same to say that some rules exist which are effectively respected, though nobody does impose it. Thus, for example, we do not smoke and drink only rarely some alcohol…” (See the part : “A lesson of politics and history”)
Otherwise :
“The problem of values I said, this is the set of questions : what should we do? To what have we to aspire? How must we behave? The problem is then formulated by the human being and relatively to the human being ; this is the problem of the compass which has to orientate our way through life. This compass has received some very different names in the various religions and ideologies : “happiness”, “God’s willpower”, “the sense of life”, in order to quote just some of them…” (See the part : “Positivism, metaphysics and religion”)
As well about his relation with the Jews (without being one) when he did neither seem Marxist nor against workers :
“…About the anti-Semitism preached by Hitler, this is for me as well one of the most unpleasant aspects of the movement…” (See the part : “Revolution and university life”)
“…Our compatriots will understand, I hope fast enough, that we can not participate any more to the modern life without an efficient research ; they will may be acknowledge, especially relatively to the atomic physics, that the disdain shown toward the fundamental research by the actual national-socialist régime has contributed to the actual catastrophe or at least has constituted a symptom of it.” (See the part : “The way of the new start”)
What does sustain the theory following which Hitler was the false friend of the great innovators, which do not let dupe themselves and drive like this.
Finally we can read that the scientific thinkers are not some mad persons :
“…It is told that, when the first scientific society has been set up, they did take as a task to fight against the superstitions by refuting by some experiences the affirmations which were in the books of magic…” (See the part : “Positivism, metaphysics and religion”)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Article 2

Light logically should stem from the concentration of the malleable particles moving(1) themselves together or rather of their type if we consider the degree of fractality(2), and it can be accompanied by more or less warmth according to the quantity and the size of the sufficiently free particles of the second secondary element that it takes with(3) ; on the top of that for the luminous displacement we have better to remind that the primary or malleable particles directly obtained by the fractalization of Energy possess an autonomous and very fast movement out of the energetic attributes((2) and the posts of the same set), as well at a sufficient concentration of energy in a same direction, they can drive the particles formed by some cycles of these same primary particles, according to what they are at the foundation of all movements (in the case of light, see article 9 to come). Otherwise we could think that, out of the influence of the majority movement depending on the distribution of the energetic mass so on the shape, the movement in the malleable particle could orientate itself in a homogeneous manner.
But for our senses light possesses some different direct sources which can be some chemical reactions, as combustion, as well the one produces by fireflies, and the one corresponding to the nuclear fusions or the nuclear explosions ; but can also be electroluminescence produced for example by lightning. Besides we can notice that the luminous presence proves well here (in this system) that the energy is the same for electrons with electroluminescence during which they cohabit in a high concentration with light, and in nucleus with the light and not its absorption obtained with its opening. On the top of that, as it has been remarked in the previous article negativity can be accepted as it represents a lack, but it should unavoidably try to compensate itself, what is not observed here. Also if the search for absorption could be a present phenomenon for each peace of matter and proportional to its density, why to the planetary scale the biggest parts should be more easily attracted between them? Whereas thus they should cause to themselves more interaction as the identical parts of magnets, and then leave between them the small less dense particles, so of an inferior attraction; nevertheless flame goes up and there is not any space between a stone and the soil, at rest.
1: Colors could come from some different degrees of concentration. \ 2: See http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/6.html \ 3: See http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/09/god-and-elements-which-compose-it.html

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Article 1

About the absolute vacuum we can mathematically consider that it represents nothingness so zero, what seems difficult to obtain with an absolute consideration, because from nothing nobody can produce anything so some space, for the reason that when there is an absolute vacuum between two sides they are sticking together; following what it should be even more difficult to obtain less than the absolute vacuum. Thus as it is better to consider what can exist than what cannot, zero can only be relative and the mathematical negativity only give utterance to a lack; nevertheless this is not a problem to consider geometrically the square root of a lack, what implies that the one of a negative number should in this case be rational, what is approached by the complex numbers where the missing part can be considered as imaginary and the present one as real; but in order to realize fully the consideration it should be noticed(1) square root of -1 = -1, because generally "i" is used for symbolizing the imaginary set but the negative sign should be enough.

(1) : Considering that a square missing surface can be the product of two missing sides, knowing that if only one has been present the surface should as well be missing, but there should be two roots for example 1 cm and -1 cm, one present and one missing ; as well the problem has to be well relativized because if the negative sign occurs as a relation then : -1(object) * -1 = 1(object), or may be better : - * 1(object) * - = 1(object), because the lack of a lack is a presence and the reject of this one is the multiplication by 0, so the relative non-being.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Conclusion before more sciences (included gravity)

Heisenberg and God :
To read before :http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/08/heisenberg-and-god.html

In order to stay in the same frame of mind, with the memory of the exodus toward the regions of the western Europe of the learned Greeks and philosophic unpublished works after the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, what makes this movement of thought at least a little our heritage, I recommend you in the reasonable limits the philosophy which considers God from Socrates by way of René Descartes, because all of this although being able to differ about some different opinions, and depending on some truths that we can find in us perpetually, testifies as well to a continuity of the knowledge which is opened to us, and then to the will-power for the possession in us of a part always bigger of the divine eternity. As well it is good to honor the compatibility of some philosophies, because this is not a blemish supposing the copy, but an advantage permitting to participate in the running of the general thought out of continuity. The compatibility is an effort and not a facility, it supposes the mastery of the topic, but may be in some other words more personal, being anyway generally a part of the common sense to think; as well in order to be really useful, this effort has to bring some new ideas, actualizing the old ones at the same time. Lastly it is better to be lucid as Socrates, whose the philosophy is quite close, to the one limited as a religion, of Christianity, and which explains, in the 25th paragraph of the Plato’s Phaedrus, that in order to understand fully things, anybody should have a fully divine science; and thus even for a god, it is only possible to give an approximate idea, with satisfying himself out of a human science and its part of divinity. As well we have better to notice that this science with time tends with rigor logically to increase its part of truth, in order that we can be less approximate. Besides religion cannot permit to itself to preach some theories from the time in which they appear as scientific hypotheses, it has better to restrict itself the most as possible to certitudes, and then to stay in the field of the generalities capable of supporting moral.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

About elements

Heisenberg and God :
To read before :

The most important in a materialistic way can seem to be the spinning center, of some stars, of the solar system, of the galactic whirls..., and then the important energy that it contains; thus God’s concentration is important concerning our existence, knowing that it can as well destroy us through the intermediate of God’s tertiary elements. But before the existence of stars, we have to consider an equilibrium of the energy forming some cycles permitting to obtain atoms, this by producing some light at a sufficient concentration, after a bowl of energy where some intermediate cycles are made and some atoms, as the center of some stars, that is what seems to happen by the intermediate of the telescope in what is designated to us as a black hole, with on the top of that the absorption of some already existing matter, but the phenomenons implied in this are not yet very clear, although an equilibrium is surely present and in part in the shape of a whirl apparently. The important natural elements developed after are the chemical components which will give soil, which will be agitated by the central movement and the interaction of stars ; as well volcanoes and the movements of the continental plates out of the energetic potential of the center of stars, next the gaseous layers of the atmosphere which retain water and the winds of gas moved among others by the interactions of stars, and the emissions of warmth which can form the lightning; lastly the living organisms stemmed from the combination or the equilibrium of all of this, what makes them very dependent.

In a sketched way, we obtain:

The Asymmetric Fractalization, Movement, Resistance, and Equilibrium
The Malleable particles, Light, the intermediate Particles, Warmth, Atoms, Molecules, Matter, Stars and their energetic potential

The Asymmetric Fractalization, Movement, Resistance, and Equilibrium
The Flows of particles, Gases, Liquids/
Their movements being due to their own equilibrium and to the one of stars

The Asymmetric Fractalization, Movement, Resistance, and Equilibrium
The Living Organisms

Friday, September 18, 2009

Water, lightning and living organisms

Water stems from the equilibrium of the energetic potential of stars which forms the different atoms and molecules; but in a usual manner we can observe its gaseous condensable emission during some combustions and mainly the one stemmed from volcanoes. As well if we can observe its presence on the Earth it is due to the inertia of the atmosphere which prevents from its dissipation in the space following the spinning movement of the Earth; thus it is possible to find it in three different forms which are vapor (clouds...), liquid (rains, lakes, rivers, seas...), and ice (snow, hail, ice-floe...). About the liquid streams they have in part the same causes as the considered winds (see last post) applied to the liquid element and can be influenced by them, as well tidal waves come from volcanic activities and the displacements of plates, where there is wave phenomenons but as well thermal(1) ones; and it has to be considered the variations of relief for the fluvial flows.
1: Also some enough powerful hurricanes can be accompanied by a groundswell of a considerable height.

Lightning is stemmed from the formation of some concentrated flows of particles, which are the ones of the two first secondary elements (see the beginning of the presentation of the elements), in which are some of those forming light; these flows are called electric currents, here they are formed in air where they make their way through moisture. For this it has to be enough particles in order to form these flows, to what warmth can contribute, after it has to be atmosphere which can retain water which forms clouds and moisture, which catalyze the currents of particles in order to make them electric.

Lastly living organisms are not without light, warmth, the different mineral and organic components which form soil, as well air so atmosphere, and lastly water. On the top of that it is possible to specify that a lot of animals are not without plants which assure the presence of oxygen, and these, if we use a microscope, without the unicellular microorganisms as protists, which are stemmed from the formation of DNA out of the elements which have just been quoted.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stars, atmosphere, gravity and winds

Stars are not without the energetic concentration which had created them, thus we obtain among others the Sun, the Earth, the Moon, and comets.

Atmosphere is not without an energetic phenomenon which permits the formation of some layers more or less resistant to the exchanges of particles and for our senses without the formation of gases which is coming from the volcanic activity or some other phenomenons related to the mass in fusion as breaks.

Gravity is not without the energetic phenomenon which acts in the formation of atmosphere and sorts out bodies according to their density.

The winds of surface are not in a remarkable way without some changes of pressure which can come from the variations of warmth due to the regulation of our atmosphere, to our location relatively to the Sun, then to the equilibrium of the movements of stars and the activity of the sources of warmth. For example this produces phenomenons as cyclones and trade-winds. But wind depends as well on the emission of gas brings by combustion and fermentation, without forgetting explosions which emit suddenly some gas or/and some energetic particles.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Warmth following the logic of this system should occur at the basis out of the movement of the secondary particles inferior to atom, and the contact that they produce, then in the sensible manner out of the biggest of the second secondary element taken with the ones of the first (see the two last posts), thus light should produce more or less warmth according to the quantity and the size of the particles sufficiently free of the second secondary element that it carries ; but to the scale of our senses it has as its main sources the exothermic reactions as combustion (volcanoes and fires) and fermentation (soil), but as well shocks (stars and other solids), frictions ( the movements of the continental plates, stars, and other solids), the compression or concentration of energy (the centers of whirls, the layer of the high atmosphere or thermosphere) and radioactivity (chain reaction in the Sun or the center of some stars, and some ores coming from the soil).

Monday, September 14, 2009


Light following the logic of this system (see the last article or until the beginning of this blog) stems from the concentration of the malleable particles moving themselves together or more from their type if we consider the degree of fractality (see : The main God’s characteristics). But for our senses it has some different direct sources which can be some chemical reactions, as combustion, as well the one produces by fireflies, and the one corresponding to the nuclear fusions or explosions ; but can as well be electroluminescence produced for example by lightning.

Friday, September 11, 2009

God and the elements which compose It

At first a thought for the memory of the sad event which did occur a 11th of September, I mean the crash on the twin towers. Otherwise I hope (and I want) that my work will help to construct USA and not to destroy it.

To read before :

The primary Energy can be considered as the only primary element, after come logically, out of the action of the immutable attributes which are movement, the asymmetric fractalization, resistance, and equilibrium, the three secondary elements described at the basis by René Descartes (see « The World »), of which the first is the set of the malleable particles as quark produced for us out of the fractalization and having an autonomous capacity of movement according to the features of energy; the second the set of the small particles in a stable form as electron coming for us from some cycles of some malleable particles; and the third the set of the particles which form the solid matter as atoms coming for us from some cycles formed from some inferior particles, and molecules coming from the interactions between atoms. Next from the mixing of these three elements, some others arise which are the most important in Nature as a sensual world, and these can be designated as the tertiary elements. These are light, lightning, volcanoes, the movements of the continental plates, warmth, the winds of surface which go with atmosphere, gravity, water, the living beings (plants and animals), the composition of soil, the Sun and the other stars.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


To read before :

God is as well infinitely knowing, thus although the finite degrees of creations come from the divine infinity and not the opposite, It possesses all the finite degrees of knowledge which form a sum to infinity, because the concept of every thing depends on God’s essence, and is then a part of the eternal continuity of Its being, thus unlike the human being It has a perfect knowledge of all Its parts at every moment, knowing that God is exclusively introvert; relatively to continuity It is then immutable and predisposed in Its manner to exist, and It has thus all the perfections stemming from the independence of the true existence, which can be conceived as one of Its synonyms. About Devil, it has mainly a relative meaning, as it is against the perfection of a thing and goes then in the direction of the acceleration of the annihilation of this thing in the more or less long term, if it is not a lesser evil for a greater good. Therefore relatively to humanity it appears especially by the voluntary error, which is according with all vices, because the human nature which is inferior to God’s one, is unavoidably confronted to its involuntary gaps, and we cannot pretend to be more than what we can be. But to want to follow the truth is already to go in God’s sense. Thus obstinacy to do what experience has proved us as bad several times is generally demoniac, because we have better to avoid to get into of some bad habits ; then a bad experience, especially if we have been advised against it, needs a delay for thinking at least, in order to know if there is a correctable error; as well vice out of inexperience is lesser, and even more vice against which there has been no prevention; it comes then that the one who incites to do what he/she knows as evil proceeds from Devil, and the one who prevents from God, knowing that there is an optimum happiness expected in virtue for the human being, and that our happiness depends as well on others’ one; in order to find the right way it is enough to recognize what is useful and just. Nevertheless we have better to look for existence because God does not permit us to know the aim of humanity and if it has to come we have better to wait for it in happiness by hoping that an issue should be possible. Lastly in order to avoid any superstition we have better to notice that if God wants that there is particular things that we observe in the predisposition of Its events, It makes them appear very clearly and can as well reiterate their manifestation in order that we understand them well, but we have better to be careful to the fact that this should not be the consequence of a devilish person seeking to manipulate us.

Monday, September 7, 2009


To read before :

God has a perfect spirit, so non-subjected to error, what implies that Its consciousness, Its understanding, and Its will-power are confused and instantaneous. This spirit is represented by the causes of the change of the energetic mass which are movement, the possibility to form an equilibrium, or resistance, and equilibrium itself of which the production can combine with another one, that is all of this which permits to build a logic ; thus God’s thought is not independent on Its expanse, although they are distinct, contrary to what is for the human being, relatively to the fact that its thought is not really its, especially if this thought is an eternal truth and is then perpetually applied in the divine infinity. On the top of that we have to notice that for God the union between the movement in straight line or ray, which is the spiritual foundation, and the shape of the expanse is done by the resistance, which permits as well the connection of the different shapes of expanse thus obtained, and we can think the same thing between the human being’s spirit and body. Besides generally spirit which is the cause of creation, is necessary to our existence and has to be then considered by us at least as much as the material expanse and the superficial shape; knowing on the top of that, that the cycle permitting force comes from the change that spirit implies, and which allows then the internal and external shape; as well relatively to the human being it has to be noticed that its spirit permits it to obtain the help of the spirits of the elements which are superior to it and can then thus surpass the primary force of its body.

Friday, September 4, 2009


To read before :

God is as well infinitely powerful out of the potential of all the things which compose It, and out of the first possibilities of Its basic substance. Thus Energy gives utterance to Itself by the infinite power of Its movement and of Its equilibrium following the affinities or resistances of things or equilibriums (ones in comparison with others), this in order to go in the direction of existence and follow continual and perpetual perfection. Movement in its simplest state so in straight line, and as an attribute of Energy, is the first cause of creation; as well resistance and the asymmetric fractalization are two intermediate causes, and permit equilibrium which is an intermediate and final cause; nevertheless there is not the risk of the formation of a general and immutable equilibrium, because the asymmetric fractalization accompanies by movement perpetually applied imply a perpetual change, so some states of equilibrium which are ephemeral with an absolute consideration and renewable, which free perpetually a quantity of energy, as tiny it should be, and the most often in the shape of a movement of the smallest particles; we have to notice as well that equilibrium occurs at the meeting without scattering, of several movements and of the resistances which accompany them, without implying that these are stopped but rearranged, and this often in a circle or equivalent cycle ; what does illustrate itself well by the formation of whirls at the confluence of two streams of water well disposed and sufficiently powerful. Besides we can notice that equilibrium represents a force as a potential which can produce a movement, because if somebody breaks its cycle, it can then produce some movement differently; according to what we obtain that a force is stemmed from the association of movement and resistance. Thus movement is not supposed to stop itself, even when there is an impression of break, if we refer to atomic energy of fusion and fission, therefore it seems that break should be relative to a defined change, and that there should be a constant conservation of the quantity of motion proportionally to the energetic mass, which permits to assume a constant quantity of resistance, and then a constant quantity of force.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


To read before :

God must as well be considered as fractalizing Itself in an asymmetric way, or there is another equivalent attribute in the divine logic in order that movement and equilibrium could form some under-sets and apply to them, rather than move a big homogeneous mass. This fractalization principle permitting Energy’s infinite partial divisibility, partial because there is not any spacious absolute vacuum between Its parts; as well it is possible to consider that the degree of fractality depends on the concentration of energy, thus higher it is lower is the degree, because the motion producing the concentration compensates for the fractalization.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


To read before :

God out of Its corporal attribute of the first importance which is expanse defines a space which is infinite in height, length, and width; because we can conceive nothing bigger; thus It has got all the finite degrees of expanse which form a sum to infinity, although finite degrees of creations come from the divine infinity and not the opposite.

Monday, August 31, 2009


To read before :

God in all Its attributes can be conceived as infinite and perfect, so there is some which apply to Its totality and others only to Its parts because they imply some dependence. Thus It is not as cellular life which results only from the interaction of some other elements; besides we can consider this dependent life as an element to tend to perfection, although it is not indispensable. On the other hand God can be defined as Its own cause and not the effect of another one, because It results from nothing else than Its own existence; and it is easy to understand that existence out of its eternal character, then incorruptible, implies continually existence. Nothing is lost everything is transforming.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Characteristic 3

To read before :

God as Energy with an absolute consideration seems to be an easy concept, nevertheless It is the complexity at its highest true and coherent level, because It is composed of all existing thing. Following what, It is changing and immutable at the same time in Its evolution rules, and then identical with an absolute consideration. On the top of that it is better to understand that we are able to consider It only as It has decided to introduce to us, noticing that the human nature is approximate in its evaluations, and that some things can be different for God’s will-power and for the weakness of our soul. However it is encouraging because out of the divine immensity we will always have something to think about and to discover; as well we have better to be careful not to confuse complexity and absurdity, just as simplicity and short reasoning, because the simplest thing is the most coherent, following a rigorous and detailed analysis. As well we have better to consider that our nature permits us only to believe really what is compatible with what we already know, if not we would risk to fall in madness and its excesses ; therefore in order to innovate we always need some demonstrations which are rigorous and without any deceit.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Energy as a characteristic

To read before :

God in Its essence is Energy permitting all energies transformable one in another more or less directly (chemical, mechanical...), It is then eternal, and indivisible with an absolute consideration because all Its parts are from the same substance with this consideration ; as well it cannot be any absolute vacuum occupying a space between its parts, for the reason that the presence of an absolute vacuum should be equivalent as noticing that they are perfectly sticking together, thus an expanse absolutely empty is not an expanse, but nothing.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The main God’s characteristics

To read before :http://eternal-cartesian.blogspot.com/2009/08/heisenberg-and-god.html

God is infinitely perfect and cause of everything which exists, thus everything is made perfectly at all the steps of creation. As well all these things which seem imperfections to us are at least nevertheless often an intermediary for the human being’s comprehension, because out of understanding what seems to us disorder we success to find in a more complete manner the or the several causes of the usual order.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Heisenberg and God

Heisenberg and God in “Physics and Beyond” of Werner Heisenberg (Nobel Prize laureate), a book not only scientific but as well political, moral, and about philosophy and religion :

Wolfgang (Pauli, Nobel Prize laureate in physics) asked : “When you say that one could not understand anymore the quantum theory, do you want to say by this that physics is not only composed by experimentation on one side and mathematical formulas on the other, but that at the junction of both some true philosophy should be done? Said differently, that there it has to be tried, using the natural language, to explain what does really happen in this margin between experimentation and mathematics? I suppose besides that all the difficulties that one meets in order to understand the quantum theory are precisely at this place where the positivists, generally do not stop…” (See the part : “Positivism, metaphysics and religion”)
“Positivists, did I say (Heisenberg Nobel Prize laureate in physics), do defend with a particular virulence against all the formulations of problems which, as they say, present a prescientific feature…” (See the same part)
“For my part, continued Niels (Bohr, Nobel Prize laureate in physics, also reserved about positivism), I can obviously not agree with such a language shrinkage…”(See the same part)
Heisenberg is adding later :
“In science, the central order can be recognized by the simple fact that we can use some metaphors such as : “nature is created following this plan”. And this is here that my conception of truth is bound to the state of things to which religions do refer. I think that all these correlations can be better thought now, since we have understood the quantum theory. Because in this theory, we can formulate in the mathematical abstract language a unified order extending on some very wide domains…” (See the same part)
“Yes answered Wolfgang, I believe that this model of thought is very understandable…” (See the same part)
Wolfgang did ask me in a quite abrupt manner :
“Basically do you believe in a personal God?…” (See the same part)
I answered : “Can I formulate differently the question that you did ask me? It should be then asked like this : Can you, or can one, communicate as directly with the central order of things or phenomena (the existence of this order being not doubtful) as one communicate, eventually, with the soul of a human being?...” (See the same part)

It seems thus easier for a religion to separate from the notion of God, the first cause and the central order (See Buddhism), than for sciences and especially at the basis the quantum mechanics (then chemistry…). Thus my work is not religious (there is no cult), and even when I relate about morality, I stay at the level of the moral advice. (Serge LE COZ L'ETERNEL)